Tuesday 17 January 2012

Thinking Tools & Google Docs

I'm working today on some pages for the Badger GCSE book which focus on some Thinking Tools.

These are small strategies for putting together some ideas and making sense of them. There are lots of strategies that have been featured in other books, so my challenge is to provide a geographical twist on some of these, and to try to identify the ones which I think will work best to support GCSE Geographers.
The nature of geography means that there are certain of these graphic organisers which perhaps will work better in the classroom, or for recapping outside the classroom.

I've also been working on some pages on the use of Google Forms (one of the Google Docs)
These are now getting increasingly useful.
If you, or your students are over the age of 13, you should really have a Google Account so that you can have access to these tools, even if you don't use the other elements of a GMail etc.

Many schools, my wife's school included, have switched to GMail for their main staff accounts.

Google Forms allow for many uses - a collaborative document started by Tom Barrett provides a great deal of inspiration for possible uses, some of which are developed further in the book...

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